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Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Make your own basic Frame in Photoshop

Hey guys in blogger ! I wanna show you how to make a basic frame in Adobe Photoshop.

First make a new blank canvas
At least
Weidght : 600 pixel
Height : 850 pixel

Second.Make selection with Rectagular Marquee tool. And color the selection with gradient tool.
I'm chosing to use blue sea with dark blue gradient.

Third,make a transparent canvas.By using Rectagular Marquee tool. And delete it with Background Eraser tool like this.And don't forget to Right Click + Deselect.

Fourt,open a photo.Well i use this Britney Spears photo.

Fifth.Drag the Britney Spears photo into the gradient canvas you have made. And the photo will look like small but we can resize it.By edit > Transform.

To make it creative,chance the possition of Britney spears photo under the gradient layer. And here's the example

To make it nice give it some artistic vector brushes (butterfly brushes or other brushes you like)
And create a new layer for the brushes draw.And the new layer possition must upper than Gradient Layer.
I'm chosing to use my own brushes.And I'm a text to make it more nice. Here's my Result

We done !!!! It is look like Hawaian Poster of Britney Spears.Well you can try that tutorial in your home.

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