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Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Blur Dream effect in Photoshop

Hello guys in blogger.I wanna teach you how to make a Blurry Dream effect in Photoshop.
First the basic,open your photo.
I use this dog photo.If you got no photo you can save this photo by Right click > Save Image As
Let's get started

Second, duplicate the layer by Layer > Duplicate Layer
After it lets use the Lasso tool.Be carefull to using Lasso tool.Its pretty difficult.
Here's my result

Its look like we have make a selection of the dog.But we need now is the background selection.
Its very easy Just Right Click > Select Inverse (still using lasso tool)
Here's my result

Now is the final trick.Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur
Set the radius into 3 pixel. And don't forget to Deselect it by Right Click > Deselect
We done.Here's the final result

We done this is very very easy tutorial.You can try it in your home.
Well Stay Creative !!!

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