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Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Wooden Frame in GIMP tutorial

Hello again blogger.Now i wanna teach you how to make a basic wooden frame in GIMP.
First open a photo.I'm using this kitten photo.You can download it  in here !

Let's get started,This is very easy tutorial.First Make a new layer,chose transparency.
After it Make Selection with Retangle Select tool like this

Use Clone tool.And chose wooden pattern.Here's the example

Color the selection area with Clone tool.Maybe like this as well

And maybe you can do it yourself.So i don't explain it more.Its just easy.And here my work.Done ! A cute cat in wooden frame.

Well,maybe you can try this tutorial at your home.

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Digital Hair color change in Adobe Photoshop

Hello all guys in blogger.I wanna teach you how to chance hair color without go to the salon he..he..he...
But this is just fake.Just make your photo look nice.Well,let's get started !!
Open a photo.Well I use this Lady Gaga photo.

Second, make selection area with Pen Tool all over the hair like this

Third, just Right click > Make Selection
Set the Feather Radius into 10 pixels

Here's the result

Last step,let's chance the hair color by Clicking Image > Adjustments > Variations
Chose color what you like to overlay the hair color.I'm chosing a blue color.
Here's my example

To make it real not like editing,Go to Layer > New Adjustment layer > Brightness/Contrast
Set the Brightness into -26
Set the Contrast into + 26

We done now Lady Gaga can sing with her blue hair he..he..he...

Well you can try this tutorial in your home.

Blur Dream effect in Photoshop

Hello guys in blogger.I wanna teach you how to make a Blurry Dream effect in Photoshop.
First the basic,open your photo.
I use this dog photo.If you got no photo you can save this photo by Right click > Save Image As
Let's get started

Second, duplicate the layer by Layer > Duplicate Layer
After it lets use the Lasso tool.Be carefull to using Lasso tool.Its pretty difficult.
Here's my result

Its look like we have make a selection of the dog.But we need now is the background selection.
Its very easy Just Right Click > Select Inverse (still using lasso tool)
Here's my result

Now is the final trick.Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur
Set the radius into 3 pixel. And don't forget to Deselect it by Right Click > Deselect
We done.Here's the final result

We done this is very very easy tutorial.You can try it in your home.
Well Stay Creative !!!

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Make your own basic Frame in Photoshop

Hey guys in blogger ! I wanna show you how to make a basic frame in Adobe Photoshop.

First make a new blank canvas
At least
Weidght : 600 pixel
Height : 850 pixel

Second.Make selection with Rectagular Marquee tool. And color the selection with gradient tool.
I'm chosing to use blue sea with dark blue gradient.

Third,make a transparent canvas.By using Rectagular Marquee tool. And delete it with Background Eraser tool like this.And don't forget to Right Click + Deselect.

Fourt,open a photo.Well i use this Britney Spears photo.

Fifth.Drag the Britney Spears photo into the gradient canvas you have made. And the photo will look like small but we can resize it.By edit > Transform.

To make it creative,chance the possition of Britney spears photo under the gradient layer. And here's the example

To make it nice give it some artistic vector brushes (butterfly brushes or other brushes you like)
And create a new layer for the brushes draw.And the new layer possition must upper than Gradient Layer.
I'm chosing to use my own brushes.And I'm a text to make it more nice. Here's my Result

We done !!!! It is look like Hawaian Poster of Britney Spears.Well you can try that tutorial in your home.

Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

How to drawing Beam effect in Adobe Photoshop

Hey guys !! I wanna teach you how to drawing a beam effect in Adobe Photoshop

First make a new blank canvas by file > new
or Ctrl + N
At least 600 pixel - 1000 pixel.
Color the background with Paint bucket tool with dark color (such a black)
And drawing with pen tool like this

Now let's go to the next step
Make a new layer
And right click when still using pen tool
Right click > Stroke Path

Make sure you still using a basic circle brush
and color is must light color (such as white,yellow,pink)
Here's my example

Let's go to the last step.Go to Layer > Layer Style > Outer Glow
Chose a gradient color whatever you like.I'm chosing to use red spectrum gradient

Don't forget to set the opacity into 75%
We done.Here's my result

Now it look's like we finish. My beam tutorial has done. 

How to draw realistic in Adobe Photoshop

Hey guys ! This is video of realistic drawing in Adobe Photoshop.
I cannot upload the pic and text.Its too long.
Maybe with this video you can try it.

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

Old romantic photo effect in GIMP

Hey guys in blogger.I wanna teach you how to make an old romentic photo effect.
Well,i use this photo

Now go to layer and duplicate layer !
After it chance the color into black and white by
Go to Color > Desatrurate chose Luminousity

Now make a new layer
Click Bucket Fill Tool
And color the photo with dark brown color like this

Now the last step.Set the Opacity into 30,9

Here's the final result .....

Look ! Now this photo were like camera in 1980.
Well we finish.

GIMP Photoshop Alternatives

Well guys let me introduce this freeware photo editor.
It is GIMP. Here's the photo

About GIMP
GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc.
GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted. (

You can download GIMP 2.6.10 here

And here's the portable GIMP 2.6.6 here

Well you can use Gimp forever without trial.So do not need to download crack / keygen.
Well,this is what i just wanna show.Maybe you can try GIMP to editing your photo.
Bye :D.


Photoshop tutorial on using layers for effects.

This toturial is very nice you can try this at home.

How to Make a Photoshop pencil draw effect

Hey guys in blogger.I just wanna show you how to make a pencil draw effect in Photoshop.

First open a photo.I'm using this Britney Spears photo.

Okay next is easy step.
- Go to layer > Duplicate Layer
- After it go to Images > Adjustments > Destrurate
And this is the result =

Now let's make it with Invert
- Go to Images > Adjustments > Invert
And this is the result. Its look bad but the final result is nice =

Let's make it little blurry.
- Go to filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur
- Set the radius into 3,3
Here's the result

Hehehe like a banshee
Well let's go to next step

Well let's make it different.This is the final step
- Chance the Blending option from
  Normal   into  Color Dodge
This is the example =

Well we done !!
This is the final result =

Britney Spears
In pencil draw hehehe